
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's Official.. I'm Blogging

Well, this is it... no turning back now... I'm officially beginning this blog. Why no turning back? Well, for starters in this year's Christmas card I have declared this blog to be open for viewing. And it's been months of talking (and talking) about doing this, so I guess this is as good of time as any.

I have no idea if anyone will read this, but I'm going to take a chance. Might as well do something with my time while I'm trying to find an actual job, right?

So, what kind of things will I be blogging about? Good question. My goal is to document a few things...
1) cakes. I'll be transferring the Sweet Cakes blog to this location.
2) recipes... not ones I've made up - let's not get crazy here. As I've mentioned I have spent a lot of time recently on other blogs and have found some great recipes. I'll be trying them out and sharing the results here.
3) life in general... I'm sure they'll be lots of pop-culture references (I am the queen of the pink-pie piece afterall), maybe some shopping finds, decorating ideas... I think in the beginning the topics will be a little random. Hopefully along the way you'll find something entertaining and/or useful!

Thanks for stopping by!


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